Do It Yourself Beeswax Wrap Refresh

Are your beeswax wraps getting a little tired and worn out? Here is a step by step do it yourself guide to refresh your wraps with Beezy Wrap® wax nuggets. Or, if you have your own fabric, you may want to make your own beeswax wrap. Each nugget contains our wonderful and unique recipe for beeswax wraps.

Check out Beezy Wrap® wax nuggets 

Downloadable “How to Beeswax Wrap DIY” PDF Beezy Wax Do it Yourself Beeswax Wrap

Beezy Wrap® Beezy Wax Do It Yourself

1  Nugget = 1 Small wrap (8x 8 inches)

2 Nuggets = 1 Medium Wrap (10 x 12 inches)

3 Nuggets = 3 Large Wraps (13 x 14 inches)

These amounts are approximate as they will vary according to your fabric.

ironing over material to adhere wax nuggets to fabric

Start to gently press iron on top parchment to melt and distribute wax. Use various amounts of pressure to help push wax over the fabric.

Iron Method

You will need:

  1. Old towel or tea-towel
  2. Iron (steam setting off)
  3. Parchment Baking Paper
  4. Vegetable Peeler, or Paring Knife
  5. 100% Cotton fabric (laundered)

Do It Yourself Directions:

  1. Cut 2 pieces of parchment paper that are approx. 2 inches larger than your fabric on all sides.
  2. Place towel on surface(ironing board) or counter.
  3. Place one piece of parchment on towel.
  4. Place fabric to be waxed on the parchment paper.
  5. Cut your Beezy Wax Nugget in 4 pieces and place near the center of your fabric or cut in small pieces with a paring knife or vegetable peeler and scatter over fabric.
  6. Place second piece of parchment on top of your fabric and wax.
  7. Set iron on hot with steam setting off.
  8. Start to gently press iron on top parchment to melt and distribute wax. Use various amounts of pressure to help push wax over the fabric.
  9. Quickly remove top parchment and lift fabric from bottom piece, if the wax cools too quickly just replace the top piece of parchment paper and run the iron over again.
tray of beeswax nuggets on material placed in the oven

Place in oven for 5 minutes, remove from oven and spread wax with a business card or old paint brush. You may have to put back in the oven to melt more and to ensure even distribution of wax.

Do It Yourself Oven Method: Set Oven to 200°

  1. Place parchment paper on cookie sheet
  2. Place fabric on parchment
  3. Cut wax nugget in small pieces and distribute over fabric
  4. Place in oven for 5 minutes, remove from oven and spread wax with a business card or old paint brush. You may have to put back in the oven to melt more and to ensure even distribution of wax.
  5. When evenly melted remove from oven, pick wrap up with tongs until cool, hang to set.

Refresh Instructions:

Follow instructions above but use less wax. One nugget will refresh 2-3 small wraps depending on how worn they are.

I hope you have fun bringing your old wraps back to life and even making some new ones.

Happy Spring Everyone!

