
Beekeepers in Canada/Canadian Honey Council
Beeswax Wraps begin with the Mighty Bee Canadian Honey Council/ Beekeepers in Canada There are approximately 7,000 beekeepers in Canada operating a total of 600,000 colonies of honeybees. The ratio of commercially operated bee colonies to those owned by hobbyists is...

Zero Waste Mother’s Day
Zero Waste Mother's Day "Keep it simple" this Mother's Day. Send Mom or your favorite "Mom Person" a gift certificate. There are lots of online options & you can make it Zero Waste With Covid restrictions, in person visits may be out of the question. You can send...

Beezy Wrap® Beeswax Wrap Brochure
Beezy Wrap® Beeswax Wrap Brochure. You can download a printable brochure here Shop our products Keep food fresh longer! Say goodbye to plastic wrap and hello to wonderful beeswax wraps that will continue to stick after multiple uses. Self adhesive and air resistant,...

Food Waste Checklist: More Than Half Our Food is Wasted
Food waste is something that we all do at some point. We all hate throwing food away, it costs us money and is bad for the environment. It doesn't feel so bad when we think we are the only one but when we look at some statistics we can get a better feel for the impact...

Beware: Giant Hogweed
If you are out enjoying nature this summer please pay close attention to your surroundings: This plant is found all across Canada. hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)General Information: Giant...

We’ll Get By with a Little Help from Our Friends
A little help from our friends. We'll get by with a little help from our friends. No hand sanitizer...NO PROBLEM ... the thieves knew best: here is a hand sanitizer recipe for you. These are turbulent times now with the COVID-19 virus. Let's keep some positive vibes...

Do It Yourself Beeswax Wrap Refresh with Beezy Wrap® Wax Nuggets
Do It Yourself Beeswax Wrap Refresh Are your beeswax wraps getting a little tired and worn out? Here is a step by step do it yourself guide to refresh your wraps with Beezy Wrap® wax nuggets. Or, if you have your own fabric, you may want to make your own beeswax wrap....

Zero Waste Travel Tips Using Beewax Wrap
You may have a chance to travel this winter. When you are preparing, take a look and see how you can make your trip as zero waste as possible... using Beezy Wrap® beeswax wraps! You might be surprised how easy it will be! Below is a list to get you started: Wrap your...

Beezy Wrap Beeswax Bags Are Coming Soon!
We are doing some testing with friends and family...all reports so far have been positive. These bags are great for apples, lettuce, veggies, bread and anything you can think of! The Extra Large wrap is good for bread also but rumors are that it doesn’t get wrapped...